Lifelong Learning Collaborative

Discover | Engage | Grow

The Butler Lifelong Learning Collaborative exists to foster continued growth, curiosity, community engagement, and personal fulfillment serving a population of adult learners, including new graduates to senior citizens.

Lifelong Learning Collaborative

The Lifelong Learning Collaborative at Butler University improves and enriches the lives of adults by providing access and lowering barriers to educational opportunities for all from recent graduates to senior citizens, connecting Butler faculty and lifelong learners, both locally and around the globe. There are no tests, no grades, and no degree requirements, creating opportunities to explore new topics with others who share your intellectual curiosity.

Summer Spark Week

BLLC presents Summer Spark Week: Ignite Your Curiosity

Join us on Butler’s vibrant campus from June 3-6 for a fun and customizable educational adventure! Choose from over 40 workshops, lectures, and behind-the-scenes experiences that spark your interest, in addition to wellness activities, social events and more.

Lifelong Learning Collaborative Courses

Expand your horizons with new knowledge and skills gained through our year-round course offerings. Butler’s Lifelong Learning Collaborative offers Minicourses, One-Hour Talks, and Behind-the-Scenes sessions in both in-person and virtual formats.

What Is Lifelong Learning and Why Is It Important?

Lifelong learning is the practice of continuous, voluntary, and self-motivated quest for knowledge. Those who engage in lifelong learning report that these activities helped them to feel more capable and well-rounded, opened new perspectives, feel more connected to their local communities, and have helped them make new friends. (Pew Research on Lifelong Learning, 2015)  

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” —Albert Einstein

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